Right, so we've seen the first five episodes ~ what do you think?
The first one was a belter, wasn't it? I could hardly wait to get tapping fingers to keys after I'd seen it; my post is HERE. Then we got to the second, and King Ezekiel. A lot of people criticised this episode. I wasn't so sure, I have to admit, and I wonder if it was a mistake to run it so early in the series; a bit of an anticlimax after the drama of the week before, maybe? I thought the Ezekiel character was too pantomime at first, though he did become more 'real' when he talked to Carol at the end, and I was heartened by his crew being less than compliant with the Saviours. Great to know that there's another large community who will, we hope, join forces with our gang in the future to slay the demon. And I'd forgotten until I watched it for a second time about the Kingdom cleverly feeding walkers to Negan's gang, via the wild pigs. Might be just the thing....

Then we come to episode 3, and the fate of Daryl, which I think was the best one so far. Back on form! Clever of the writers to hint at the slightly more human side of Dwight again, with small hints that some time in the very distant future he and Daryl might become allies.... well, that's what I reckon, anyway. Long as he doesn't bring his tape of On Easy Street. Interesting to see inside Negan's lair, and find out a bit more about the Saviours. I'm hoping that some of them might start to think, "Yeah, why exactly are we all doing what this one pscyho says?" Like the escapee who Dwight didn't want to shoot....
Meanwhile, back at Alexandria and the Hilltop..... Rick, I'm not the only one waiting for you to get your fighting spirit back. We want to see you standing on a platform saying "We can do it. I know you can all do it. This is how we survive. This is how we eat", and all that jazz. It'll come, it'll come....
Loving Xander Berkeley, on form as the revolting Gregory. Could he cause the downfall of them all? As Maggie said, he's a coward, which is more dangerous than just being an idiot. Like the idea of Maggie taking over Hilltop (which is, clearly, what is going to happen), but I hope she doesn't become only a hard-edged badass.
I like how they're giving more scenes to Rosita, who I always thought was a top girl. I feel a bit sorry for her with the Abraham thing, though. Okay, so Sasha loved him too, and they were together when he was Lucilled, but this had only been going on for a couple of weeks, whereas Rosita was his love through thick and thin, for years. But her loss seems overlooked.
Other predictions? I think there will be more storylines for Spencer (who I think is a bit of a drip), and I'm hoping that the lovely Aaron will emerge as the new Glenn ~ the really nice guy with the heart of a lion and the soul of a ... really nice guy. Offscreen, Jesus will become the new hearthrob (if he isn't already ~ woof woof!) ~ c'mon, producers, clean our Daryl up just a little bit, and get him back giving those sidelong looks, almost imperceptible nods riddled with emotion, and profound one liners: "We ain't dead." Alas, I fear he is to be in a dark place for some time yet....

I think the new season is yet to find its feet, and maybe part of this is that it's so scattered, with all the characters we know and love all over the place. But it worked in Season 4 after the prison, so it can work this time, too, if they get it right. I still love every minute, though! Oh yeah, and when are Heath and Tara ever going to get back from this two week run they went on after the Saviours outpost massacre? She's yet to find that Denise is dead, and Heath ditto about his pal Glenn....
Roll on next week...... and just because I want to include it, here's my favourite moment ever. It's when Rick and Carl discover that Tyreese and Carol have saved Judith, after Terminus, at the beginning of Season 5.
ps, incidentally: Ladies: I've never fancied Rick, but have you noticed that he's got the sexiest legs, like, ever? Something about the shape and his stride, and those jeans moulded to him and the scuffed cowboy boots. Tick vg :)