Saturday 12 April 2014

The Eleven Most Irritating Characters on 24!

Jack is back, and isn't it wonderful?  I am sure I am not the only one who is so delighted it's almost pathetic...!  

Roll on next month!!

Last year I listed my Top 20 best characters in 24:

.... and now I'd like to present my eleven most irritating!  It's a personal thing, of course; one man's funny guy is another's aggravating idiot, made harder by the fact that some characters started off irritating but ended up superbly bad (eg., Dana Walsh; however, that pout still has her bubbling under at number 11, I can assure you).  Others some were irritating for a long time but then redeemed themselves (Michelle Dessler admitting she did love Tony after all, and then helping in the Jack's-Not-Really-Dead plot, Paul Raines being a total tit but then saving Jack's life), and some were irritating but such fabulously well drawn  characters that there is no WAY they can be included here (Charles Logan). 

Here we go, then!

At number 10 it's ditzy girly Marie Warner, sister of the totally cool and gorgeous Kate, from Series 2; even when we found out she was an undercover baddie she was still super irritating ~ and that wig....

Sharing the number 10 spot is Farhad Hassan - not only evil and crass, but the owner of the most irritating hairstyle in the whole eight series!

Exuding great menace at number 9, it's Cheng Zhi, evil head of security at the Chinese Consulate who imprisoned our Jack, just after he'd saved the world again at the end of Series 5 - it's not his evil that's so irritating, but his air of "ah so, look at my inscrutable face and know that in me, the ruthless Cheng Zhi, there is no human frailty."  I thought he was really silly.

Strutting her stuff at number 8 is Sandra Palmer - very worthy, but didn't she go ON???  And on, and on??  One of those small people who compensate by making themselves heard... and heard... and heard....

I did actually want to put Kim Bauer as number 8, because she seriously gets on my nerves, but I think it would be unkind to Jack, especially as my choice for number 7 is....

"I can't remember my name!  Where am I?  Anyway,  how did a humourless ostrich like me ever land superman-with-a heart Jack Bauer?"  Yes, chaps, it's Teri Bauer.... look, I know she did the right thing by saving Kim from being raped back in series 1, but the rest of the time....

At number 6, the sneaky little jobsworth Janis Gold, who tried to thwart the wonderful Chloe!  I couldn't even stand LOOKING at her!

Heading for the top now, and crawling along like a smarmy lizard at number 5 we have revolting Miles Papazian, with his facial craters, horrible pale crocodile eyes, sexist attitude, and triumphant marching off to DC as soon as he'd mucked up the recovery of the tape that incriminated Charles Logan...

The biggest incentive ever to work out your own problems ~ Number 4 is uber-pillock psychotherapist Barry "everyone breathe" Landes (and yes, Jack, of course there was something disgustingly creepy about his relationship with Kim!)

Flouncing about and making everyone's blood boil at number 3 we have the HORRENDOUS spoilt, full of herself Miss Olivia Taylor, daughter of President Alison Taylor, who made me want to smash the screen several times during series 7!

Seriously vomit inducing now, right?  The runner up, and second most irritating, for me, was the grotty, whiney, spoilt, self-indulgent little wimp Richard Heller, who thought the world centred round him, and had no concept of what it meant to be who he was.... and WHY couldn't Audrey have hinted to him about that stuff called shampoo?  And, like, scissors?  And, y'know, a razor?

Drum roll.....

The moment you've been waiting for!  

Number one in my list of The Ten Most Irritating Characters in 24 is.... (further drum roll)....

Maya Driscoll

...... short-lived CTU manager Erin Driscoll's loopy, manipulative daughter, who couldn't get it through her supposedly schizophrenic head that her wanting to go home with her mum wasn't quite as important as Mum managing an operation to save a million people from suffering horrendous deaths courtesy of Monsieur Bierkov and his nerve gas.  

"Never mind that you're trying to save the future of the nation, I'm going to hit that nasty nurse and I'm not talking my pills, so there!"  And don't get me started on her attack on the next door neighbour's son.... I saw a picture of the actress when I was looking for these pictures, incidentally, and she looks nothing like her in real life ~ amazing acting!  Even if it did make me nearly throw the telly out of the window....!!

Comments welcome!


  1. Hahaha, Terry. This is funny for me as I have no clue what you are talking about, but I love your comments about each of these, and feel sure I'd agree if I knew what on earth it was about! xx

    1. I'm amazed that a) you read it, then, and b) you have not been initiated into the wonder of 24!!!! Thanks xxx

    2. I've never heard of it, Terry, but then I don't have a TV…haven't had since I've lived here…but I do remember the compulsion of watching certain series and getting sooo involved! That was back in the days of progs like Dallas…yes, really! :-)))

    3. I'm amazed you've never heard of it, it's an international phenomenonononon!!!! I didn't watch it until a year ago as I don't watch telly on the telly, but just series on Netflix. And I LOVED Dallas!

  2. I absolutely love this Terry, it was such a trip down memory lane. What about that jobsworth Janis Gold trying to thwart the wonderful Chloe? Also Edgar was a bit irritating although I did feel bad for him at the end. I quite liked Chloe's husband whose name eludes me but it was one of those names that Americans pronounce differently to us like Bernard.

    1. Oddly enough, I just remembered Janis G a little while ago - yes, I shall have to fit her in! I agree re Edgar, but I loved Maurice O'Brian - I think they spelt it Morris, though!!!

    2. Maurice - that's it. He was lovely. Didn't Jack torture him with a lamp or am I thinking of someone else :)

    3. You will see that I took out Tom Lennox and Scott Wallace, and replaced them with Sandra Palmer (oh, shut UP!) and - Janis!!!!

    4. Excellent - and I've thought of more, can you remember Jack's irritating nephew? Also for 24 totty, I fancied the bodyguard who was having the secret affair with President Hassan's daughter. You must do this for Game of Thrones as well - it's so much fun :D

    5. Yes, I was only watching Jack's irritating nephew last night! Can't remember the bodyguard - was that series 1? I think with GOT it might just be a totty list - Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Robb Stark, Daario Naharis, Ned Stark, Khal Drogo..... I think the Lord of the Rings films were equal with the totty, as well!!!

    6. I think the bodyguard was in the later ones. Maybe the last series. President Hassan was the bloke out of Slumdog Millionaire and his daughter was called Kayley or something.

      Oh my goodness - I think you are right, GOT is wall to wall totty. I agree Lord of the Rings not too shabby either. I really fancied Aragorn :D

  3. I loved your post and love 24 too. I think Kim irritates me the most but, I agree, we should keep it quiet for Jack's sake. I loathed David Palmer at first, but grew to love him. My daughter and I are in love with Tony, especially his quiet voice.

    1. David Palmer???? But he's a God!!! Ha ha - yes, that's what I meant about it being a matter of personal taste -glad you grew to love him, too and glad you agree re Kim! It's always all about HER, isn't it!!! Yes - I love Tony; no wonder he's bitter, poor chap! He's number four in my Top 20 Best Characters, don't know if you saw that - and thanks for reading and commenting! :)

  4. Fab blog, Terry. I had forgotten (no erased) all of those annoying 24 characters. Thanks for reminding me ;)

    Look forward to another post soon, perhaps, about the 10 best baddies (Sherrie Palmer), fave characters (Yay Bill Buchanan) or the scheming politicans (where to start?) x

    1. Thanks! There is a post about my 20 best characters - the link is at the top of this post! It includes goodies and baddies - I LOVE Bill Buchanan!!!!

    2. Oop! I missed that - will jump straight in whilst the clock is still ticking :)

      Go Bill!

      Always loved James Morisson as an actor, since I saw him in 'Space: Above & beyond' all those years ago.

  5. This list is amazing! It brought back the memories of the characters about which I rarely think. Made me laugh as well, especially Maya at #1.

    I, however, get irritated by every character who disagrees with Jack. For instance, the head of CTU field ops in Season 4 who told Jack, not to cross him again or else he'll stop him cold.
    Then, for a while in season 4, Michelle was irritating as well, when not agreeing with Tony on how to deploy agents, while Jack & Paul were stuck inside the dark area after the EMP blast.

    Wayne Palmer as President was a bit hard to digest and was somewhat irritating.

    And so were Allan & Julia Milliken.

  6. I loved this answer, you're obviously and obsessive like me!!!!! Yes, I too get irritated by anyone who disagrees with Jack! I read your answer on the my top 20 too, and yes, I needed to add Cole Ortiz - actually, I think I need a top 30! Thanks so much for reading and replying - and glad you liked my Mike Novik comment!!!!

  7. You are welcome! Its always a pleasure to come across people who share similar love for 24.
    Looking forward to your next post on 24!

    1. I'll have to think of some more good categories - oh, I forgot!!!!! I am just going to make a change to the 'most irritating' - have another look!!!

  8. Good list! I agree with most of them but I'm surprised Kate Warner didn't make it to the list. Teri did irritate me as well, but I couldn't stand that constipated look on Kate's face all throughout.. Ughh!

    1. I quite liked Kate Warner! I know what you mean, though.

    2. Oh man! This list was great! Just looking at this made me want to throttle some of these guys (Miles Papazian, Janis Gold, I hated them all) 24 is the best!

  9. Maya Driscoll was annoying, yes, but common, she's mentally ill, she doesn't know her mom is trying to save the country...
    I'd put on this list to Sherry Palmer, she was irritating, but what irritated me the more was the fact she always found her way to walk away of every problem she caused...

    Marianne, despite her short appearance on season 4, should be on the list, hearthless bitch.

    1. Yeah, but I'm not trying to be PC about mental health issues here, I'm just saying who irritated me, and she did! Agree re Sherry Palmer :)

  10. Marie Warner in Season 2 - she sounded like a scalded cat while she was whining about her arm after being shot. I kept wishing Jack would just shoot her and make her shut up!

  11. The worst character of the whole serie is Kim Bauer and 99% of the people thinks the same.

    This list should be "the eleven most irritating, secondary and worthless characters on 24".

  12. I just started watching 24 again in quarantine and on season 6. I completely forgot how super irritating Sandra Palmer was and Googled to see if anyone agreed with me. That's how I ended up here. lolllll. And yes, all the characters mentioned above are beyond irritating. :p

    1. Just got round to some comment answering - yes, wasn't she awful??! Interesting how you found this - thanks for telling me!

  13. Your #1 is a total fail to me! Are you f'ing kidding me?!?! The girl was mentally ill! Period! Please stay away from small children.

    I found your blog doing a google search about Teri since I had just finished re-watching season 1. Teri wins the most annoying character award of the decade that was 2000-2010! Not only was she So annoying but there was so much of her throughout the season. Around every corner, every words she spoke was so damn annoying. Thinking about it further, I can't imagine how a character like Jack could actually be married to a person like that. He would have had to leave her ass long ago, way before marriage.

    One of the many times I wanted to reach into the TV and smack her into silence is right after Tony came to save her at her house from the hit man. Her friend who had been watching over her, helping her, get's shot and she's just sitting there going on and on crying and talking to herself. After Tony tells her (in the exact right tone of voice) that Kim is safe, she turns up the annoying crap, asking where is she, we have to go to her right now, etc., and still her friend is sitting there in pain after being shot.

    So fitting was her end that she didn't just sit her ass down like she should have. Her daughter and husband were on their way back to her and she couldn't just sit still for a few minutes. Instead she had to go try and waste other peoples time once again, making it seem as if whatever thoughts she was dealing with, were the most important thing in the world and that everyone, no matter how serious the work they were doing at the moment - should stop and talk with her. Her annoying habit caused her to walk right into the hands of death.

    1. I haven't watched 24 for some years (have re-watched a few times too!), but remember thinking the very same - that I can't imagine how Jack would have stayed married to that whining piece of self-absorption for more than five minutes! I couldn't stand her - agree with everything you say!

      As for Maya, she may have been mentally ill, but it didn't stop her driving me nuts - this is just a personal list of who annoyed me, not a considered statement on their mental well-being (and please note, it was written 6 years ago, before everyone was so careful about what they wrote, anywhere, in case it offended someone!). But I take on board what you said, and will bear it in mind if I make any similar posts in the future. ;)

  14. Currently re-binge-watching 24 for only the 2nd time (I didn't watch it on it's original run, binged all in 2014) and almost done with season 2.
    Most annoying character for me so far is Sherri Palmer. Something about her gets my back up. I might update once I've got through the rest of them again, but as of now, it's 6 years since I last watched them all so I can't remember who else might have annoyed me last time I watched it!!

    1. Oh you will, you will!!! I wrote this post 7 years ago but people still look at it every day... so quite a few candidates!

  15. Lol now u got a post in 2022!! Just finished Season 1, i knew it was the most annoying Season but i had to get through it. I think they deliberately made Teri annoying so you wouldn't be sad that she dies in the end and move on to the next hehe. I think I stopped watching after Season 4 so i have i lot of catching up to do!

  16. Just binge watching the entire series from after a ten year lapse from the first time. Was amazed at how much corruption is in our government. Writers are not that smart to think it up on their own. Imagine all the corruption now since the obama and biden times.

  17. “Uber pillock” was a personal highlight of this article for me 😂

  18. How on EARTH is Sheri Palmer not on this list?! I hated her even more than the terrorists. 🤣
