Wednesday 28 October 2015

Wanted ~ one book reviewer!

Whispering Stories is one of the best book blogs I've come across.  It's run by a delightful lady called Stacey; you can see the blog HERE; it (and Stacey!) can be followed on Twitter HERE.

Like many book bloggers, Stacey is now finding that her to-read pile is getting larger than she can manage, so is looking for someone else to join her on the blog.  If you're interested, this is what she's looking for:

"I'm looking for someone who owns a kindle or a device they can read a kindle on (ipad etc), all I'm after them doing is reading and then reviewing the book. They then send the review to me and I'll sort the post out.

I will put their name on the review and they will have their name on my blog as being part of my blog team - so would need a picture and some info on them.

I don't read horror books or sci fi books, so someone who may like those would be good, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone whatever genres they prefer; it's just that a liking for horror/sci-fi would be a bonus!

They need to understand that there is no financial gain, they will get the books for free though.

The reviews are placed on the sites already set up for Whispering Stories,  I will let people know who did the review and that they are part of the team and chance the profile on the pages to include them.

Generally, they need to be able to review a book a once a fortnight (though more often would be great!) - this isn't cast in stone, and at times I do understand that they may need more time. They need to be trustworthy and honest with their reviews."

If you're interested and would like to discuss this further, please contact Stacey via Twitter or her blog at the links above - not me!!
Many thanks for reading ~ and if you know someone else who may like to do this, please pass it on. :)


  1. Oh I wish I had the time for this, but sadly I don't. I'll pass it on to someone who might, though! Thanks to both Stacey and you, Terry!

    1. That's the problem, isn't it, Val? It's time. Otherwise I'd do it, too! But I can't guarantee that I could do two a month, not with Rosie's as well.

  2. If you could use a sporadic contributor, I'd love to help. I can't commit to a specific time frame, sadly, but I'd love to write reviews for you hear and there if it would help you...

    1. Hello! Thanks - can I refer you back to the bottom of the post that says to get in touch with Stacey, rather than me?
