Thursday 5 May 2016

#TwitterTips: Retweeting and Post Sharing

Many say that the power of Twitter is not in the tweet but in the retweet, as it greatly expands the possible audience for your posts.

I've been guest posting with tips for more effective use of Twitter on Rosie Amber's blog; my article about retweeting and post sharing can be found HERE


  1. Hi Terry - these should be so useful ... especially to people like me - who haven't started twitter yet, let alone the re-tweet ..

    Thanks .. cheers Hilary

  2. I think Twitter goes in waves, sometimes it's great fun with ideas flying about all over the place, and then it quietens and becomes tedious for a while. Or maybe it's just me?

    1. I think everyone's experience is different, all the time, Jo; it depends who you follow/interact with. I find it a constant source of interest, but then I'm a bit of an addict!

  3. I love the doors Twitter opens. Sometimes, I'm a real participant, but often I use it more to link to blogs and articles I want to read. I do a lot of sharing and RTs as a result. I love Twitter!

    1. You said it all in your first sentence, V! Yes, sometimes I am not in the mood and just post a tweet and do a bit of RTing... other times I'm sharing and blog commenting all over the place :)
