Saturday 28 September 2024

Seasonal Beauty on the Way to Asda



Rowan trees looking particularly fruitful - a harsh winter?

Don't take photos of yourself with the sunlight behind...

Acer just starting to turn

Point the camera an inch to the left and get a completely different light - this one looked kind of eerie so I tried it in black and white too!  
Reminds me of the film The Birds, somehow.


September 28th - 7 years today since my dad died.  Below, one of the earliest photos I have of him, and one of the last that was taken.  

I did a blog post about the tree that was planted in his memory; it's HERE

Thursday 19 September 2024

Me and My Big Sister #2

Me and My Big Sister #1 HERE

Last day of Summer, probably 😎

All the fun of going to Morrisons, where we found these natty little overnight-stay cases for just £8 each!  Then, of course, we had to drag them all the way home...

When Julia joined the Jarrow March, October 1936

🟎  Blair Witch Project 🟎

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Friday 6 September 2024

Lance's Funeral, Cromer. August 30th 2024


I lived in Cromer in Norfolk for 9 years, where I was privileged to be a friend of Lance Beeke, who died on the 10th August this year, aged 84.  Lance was a father and grandfather, an artist, a great laugh, and a thoroughly good chap.  His daughters Tiphanie and Jemma organised the funeral on Friday 30th August, at Cromer's St Peter and St Paul's Church, and it was a perfect tribute to him. 

A few memories here...

2003, Red Lion.  We mostly met up where the drink was
flowing and there was much fun to be had.

2002, I think, at my friend Kathryn's flat,
and below with my cats Francesca and Mimi.

New Year's Eve 2004, with Julia, at my flat in Pier Court.

Cromer pier, August 2019

I last saw Lance in September 2022, when it was clear that he was ailing, and he died peacefully in his sleep.


Last Friday, Cromer brought the sunshine out especially for him

...and it was, oddly, a lovely day.

Julia, John and me on the way to the church.

The cremation was family only, so we went to the Red Lion in between the service and the wake.  So good to catch up with old friends!


I had to catch a train at 6.30 am from Newcastle to get there in time, and get the 7pm back as there were no trains on Saturday, so it was a very long day, but I'm so glad I made the effort.  Nice views of the sunrise on the way, anyway!


Me having not had enough coffee, at 6.30 am on the train to Peterborough


Lovely to see you Julia, John, Lisa, Lee, Eloise, Gail, Tiphanie, Jemma, Chris, Mark, Richard, and especially Kathryn :)

RIP dear Lance, a fine fellow indeed.