Sunday 25 February 2018

Lately I've been watching....

Previously on Lately I've been watching....
5 February
18 January
9 January

An every-few-weeks round up of film and telly recommendations.  For more info, click on title.

Film, starring James Franco and his brother Dave.  True story of Greg Sestero, a young actor-wannabe who became involved with Tommy Wiseau, the writer, producer, director and star of The Room, 'the greatest bad movie ever made'.  The Room (see below) has now become a cult favourite; audiences turn up in wigs of their favourite characters and shout out the lines.  Merchandise is available on Amazon, including t-shirts emblazoned with the most well-known lines (see here).  The Disaster Artist is terrific, funny and sad, and James Franco (as Wiseau) is as wonderful as ever.  Loved it, and am currently reading the book!

5 stars

After watching the above, I had to watch The Room.

It's hilarious, a celebration of appalling dialogue, wooden acting, amateur direction, ridiculous lack of continuity, unresolved plot lines (one of the best being a woman announcing she has breast cancer, and her daughter replying that she mustn't worry and it'll be fine, without looking even remotely concerned ~ the breast cancer is never mentioned again in the whole film).

Impossible to give a star rating!

Highlights here (the breast cancer scene is the third one)

Film, true story: rookie journalist travels to strife-torn Somalia, to go where few others dare in the hope of getting his big break.  Good, but I found Evan Peters in the starring role a bit irritating, and his wig, beard and suntan make-up in the later months looked as though they were bought from a fancy dress shop/slapped on under bad lighting.  The bits about Somalia itself were fascinating, though.

4 stars

Recently watched the second series of this, about the Farrells, a family of 'isolationists' who live up a Kentucky mountain.  The townspeople leave them to their own devices, but a big coal corporation wants to blow their mountain up.  I really like it, and hope it continues, though (spoiler alert) they've done the dumb thing of getting rid of one of the main (and okay, the best looking) characters at the beginning of the second series (Asa Farrell played by Joe Anderson).  Stars Thomas M Wright as the cop who is on the Farrells' side (as you will be, too, after a while), David Morse, Ryan Hurst (Opie in Sons of Anarchy) and Kyle Gallner (for Walking Dead fans, he was the 1-episode Zack, at the beginning of S4!).

4.5 stars

Film, starring Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend.  Covers the time before Victoria became queen, and when she first meets Prince Albert.  I thought it might be a little slushy for me, but I liked it alot, and found Victoria and Albert's relationship most touching.  Beautifully done.

4 stars

TV Series, Season 1.  Wife of cop returns after having been held captive for 6 years.  Lots more murders and action, uncovering of serial killer, tales of abuse of kids in care home.  Not bad, I enjoyed it; I'd say yes, watch it, it's good, but it's not brilliant.  Seemed to be missing that spark that makes something really memorable.

3.5 stars


  1. Hi Terry - I really like the idea of The Disaster Artist ... as too The Room - I'll see if I can get them ... thanks for the reviews ... and for the thoughts re the tv shows. Cheers Hilary

    1. Once you've watched TDA you will HAVE to watch The Room, Hilary!

  2. One day I’ll find the time to watch more films!

    1. The odd couple of hours, Jo...! They're my relaxation and escapism.

  3. I really need to track down The Room and give it a watch. I typically don't like watching "the bad" movies, but this one seems like something special.

    1. Oh, it absolutely is, Blake. I don't usually like them, either - if they're that bad they're usually just boring, but this one really is unbelievable. I've even watched the highlights a few times, because it's so funny. I'd recommend watching The Disaster Artist first, though; it'll mean more.
