Sunday 28 April 2019

The Park on the 28th: April - Mid-Spring #Trees #Nature

The park where I go for my walks, photos taken in roughly the same places, on the 28th of each month, to observe the changes in the seasons: the trees, the flowers, the light in the sky.  Each month seems to have its own feel, regardless of what the weather is doing on that particular day.

Massive changes this month!  The trees have gone from bare to green - I didn't realise how different everything looked until I clicked on the March pictures.

This morning the skies were very grey when I got up, but blue sky was already showing through by the time I went out.  When I set out it was still cold enough for me to wish I had a jumper on, but even by ten a.m., when I started the walk back, the air was jacket-off warmer... just.

Click month to see previous posts:


This picture was taken later in my walk 
but the blossom was so beautiful I had to put it first!

These trees were still bare last month!

Daffodils and crocuses all gone now, but little blue flowers remain :)

These trees have been bare since October ~ lovely to see them green again
Daffodils of last two months replaced by the odd bluebell
So glad I didn't miss the pink!
Leaves back on the red tree, making it look like autumn
Skies are still changeable...
Couldn't resist a lying in the blossom picture 😉



  1. What fabulous photos and such a great idea.

    1. Thank you - I should have actually marked the spots so I can do them from exactly the same point really, though!

  2. Lovely photos, Terry - and a great idea. Spring is my favourite season of the year; new life, nature coming alive, lighter evenings and the dawn chorus.
    Autumn is my second favourite, so, without wanting to rush through summer, I will patiently await your pics :)

    1. I've already done autumn, Ant - I started it in September last year! The links are at the top, for the previous months.

      Thanks for taking a look!
